Ms Yati

Agape Little Uni @ Commonwealth

Ms Yati
27 Jun 2024

SSDB Chapter 1 - Guardians of the ocean

Ocean pollution is a tragic reality that threatens marine ecosystems worldwide. Hereby, posing a grave threat to the marine animals that the children know and love.

In this chapter, children inquired on the harmful impacts of trash in the ocean. Thereafter, proposing solutions to protect the marine animals!

The children’s inquiry begin with exploring the wonders of the sea. Their curiosity lead their discovery towards the different marine animals. They shared they favorite marine animals and their desire to protect them.

The children then investigated the harmful impacts trash can have when it is dumped into the ocean. Thier words recorded, “oh no! The fishes will get sick.” “ The turtle is stuck, he cannot swim.”  They noted the need to remove the trash and to dump trash into dustbins, recycled bins instead. 

The children then put their solutions into actions. Through water play, the children picked up trash and disposed them appropriately - saving the marine animals! 

Chapter one concludes with children’s reflection. The children reflected on what they have learnt and designed poster to raise awareness on trash in ocean pollution. 

Here’s to our young guardians: Protecting our oceans for tomorrow! 

Date of entry: 6/6/24

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