Nur Amirah Binte Kemat

[INACTIVE] PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Queenstown Blk 365 (CC)

Nur Amirah Binte Kemat
29 Aug 2022

SSDB: A meeting of the young and old

The theme for this year’s SSDB is “Our Family, Our Community”. We strongly believe that family is the core foundation for all. The committee for SSDB have planned activities to encourage fostering positive family values in children by building strong connections with people in their lives.

As part of the activities, teachers held a discussion in regards to the project with the children to understand their views on family and what it means to them. Children were eager to share stories and activities that they do with their family members. However, there was not much that was shared about spending time with their grandparents during the sharing session. Therefore, we wanted to show appreciation to our seniors at the eldercare through this project. Children gave their views on the items that they feel an elderly might need.

We seek assistance from the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) to partner us with an elderly care center. We partnered with St Andrew’s Senior Care (SASC) and through various planning and meetings, we set a date for us to proceed with our plans.

There are two parts to the plans: Contributions and Performance.

During our meeting, we asked for suggestions for the items that they would need for the elderly. In response, they mentioned that the elderly enjoys coffee, tea and milo and biscuits for their tea time and that they would need masks as well. With strong support from the parents and teachers in the Centre, we collected the items and the children arranged and packed them in boxes to be sent to the senior care centre.

For the 2nd part, the children showed excitement to meet the elderly virtually for the very first time! The children guided them through a series of exercises and gave a wonderful dance performance as well! Our friendly seniors were also incredibly sweet and followed along during the exercise.

It has been a wonderful learning journey which children and teachers will never forget! We have fulfilled our objectives that we had planned and we would love to have more collaborations and projects like this in years to come! Thank you to SASC, AIC, parents, teachers and most importantly the children for their contributions in making this project a success!

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