Nur Batrisyia Binte Hazli

[SSDB] PCF Sparkletots @ Tampines Changkat Blk 358

Nur Batrisyia Binte Hazli
25 Sep 2024

SSDB 2024: Loving our Earth

Our centre started off our SSDB project: Doing Good, with introducing 7 Eco Habits to the children- Returning your tray and crockery after meals, Binning your litter, Keeping toilets clean and dry, Switching off lights when not in use, Using both sides of the paper, Order only what you can finish, and Bringing paper, plastic, glass, and metal to the recycling bin. The students were introduced to these concepts through the Captain Green Quick Teach Cards resource park.

As the children progressed through the learning process, they started asking more questions regarding the sustainable practices. The children showed interest in extending these habits in their daily lives outside and in the classroom.

The students then prepared a poster which represented their desire to preserve Earth and to take care of it. The students coloured the posters, as well as wrote their own meaningful message in the speech bubble of the poster. The students enjoyed spreading their own message about saving and taking care of the world around them.

To end of the SSDB project, students in the centre were involved in an upcycling challenge. Each student brought their own recyclable materials and placed it in the recycling box in their classrooms. Each class of students then crafted their own special piece of artwork which they made individually and as a class. The children enjoyed the challenge as they were able to express themselves creatively despite having limited materials.

Overall, the children have experienced the different ways of being sustainable and in return, loving the Earth.

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