Neo Shu Ning

MapleBear @ Pasir Ris Park

Neo Shu Ning
16 Jul

SSDB 2024 - "Guardians of the Green: Young Minds, Big Impact" 🌳

Our second project for SSDB was making paper out of recycled papers and newspapers 🗞️

It was an extremely fun activity where we got to tear up old papers, and thereafter soak them in water 🛁

We then whipped out a blender and placed the soaked papers in it to ensure that the pieces are all blended finely. 

We finished off by using various materials to scoop the mixture for it to dry and take shape! 📜

Have a look at one of our end-products! 🤩

A fun activity that not only allows us to get in touch with our senses 🤲🏻, but also make full use of old papers by turning them into new papers we can use once again! ♻️


“Guardians of the Green: Young Minds, Big Impact”

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