Teacher Ellis

Star Learners @ CCK Sports Centre Pte Ltd

Teacher Ellis
21 Jun 2021

SSDB 2021 Launch Party: Let’s Reach Out

“Let’s Reach Out” is the theme for this year’s SSDB project. We want to reach out to the people around us such as our family, friends and the community to spread awareness on the importance of having a healthy lifestyle and keeping fit!

Our simple launch party was held on 28th april 2021. We started it off with a presentation on what the project is about and how we will be embarking on this journey

The K1s and K2s were excited to receive the goodies from the resource box and immediately put on their orange SSDB hats.

Ending the launch party on a high note, we actively move our bodies to a Zumba dance together!

In times of stress and uncertainty due to the current pandemic we are facing, we might unknowingly pick up bad habits such as unhealthy eating and staying inactive at home. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to building a strong mind and body that lets us face the difficulties ahead together with our loved ones.

Also, with the measures implemented due to COVID, we have to make many new adaptations in keeping active but we want to show that it is still possible to have a productive and meaningful workout together as a community!

Therefore, our children will be the little voices that will be a loud source of motivation to the community to not easily succumb to the many limitations and privileges that this pandemic has taken from us. Healthy us, happy us!

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