24th April 2019, Wednesday. The K2 children gathered together in the gym room for Centre’s SSDB 2019 launch party. It is the first time that the Centre participated in Start Small Dream Big. The Teachers and children were very excited.
We invited the parents and our beneficiary, Food From The Heart join us.
Parents were given an introduction on SSDB and the Centre’s project plan. We will work together with Food From The Heart to organise a food donation drive during the upcoming Parent Teachers Meet on 29th June 2019.
Food From The Heart gave a talk to the parents about their Donate Right campaign. It is important for the parents to understand the procedure/ process and also the do’s and don’ts of the food donation drive.
Group photo at the end of the talk.These are the pledges and wishes written by parents, teachers and the children for the Centre’s SSDB project.