Teacher Shi Qi

My First Skool @ Blk 82 Circuit Road

Teacher Shi Qi
26 Aug 2024

Spirit of Giving

This year, My First Skool Circuit Road decided to focus on the Spirit of Giving. Other than caring for the environment, we also care of the community around us.

We started off with the opening which we introduced the concept of doing good, being caring and kind to the children.

The whole project is split into 2 parts.

Showing appreciation to SMRT staffs:

Together with our Parents Support Group, we held a booth which invited both children and their family members to create cards for the staffs of SMRT.

Parents also contributed to the Care Packs with some food and drinks, etc.

The cards were then collated and the K1 children went on a field trip to give the care packs and cards to the staffs of SMRT.

Collaboration with Macpherson RC - Community Spirit of Giving:

The children of all classes created crafts which were then sold on the day of the event to raise funds for charity.

N1 and K1 children also took part in performance to celebrate the National Day Spirit and to contribute to the spirit of giving.

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