Tok Ying Ying

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Yew Tee Blk 608 (DS)

Tok Ying Ying
22 Jul 2024

Sparking Connections Across Ages (PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Yew Tee Blk 608 (DS))

On May 28th, 2024, our K1 and K2 children visited Sparklecare @ Yew Tee to engage in crafts and perform for the seniors. Through our SSDB initiative this year, children are focused on fostering care, gratitude, and positivity towards the seniors. This theme aims to cultivate awareness among children about the significant impact of their actions and attitudes on both seniors and themselves. It also educates children on the importance of demonstrating love and care for others.

Children dance to the song - Attitude of Gratitude

During the performance, the children displayed confidence and enthusiasm, filling the room with smiles and laughter. Their lively presence created a heartwarming atmosphere and brought joy to the seniors. The interaction was mutual as the seniors joined in singing along. This experience highlighted the importance of fostering connections between different generations.

Children sing and move to the song - 甜蜜蜜

A group photo with lovely SparkleCare in-charge ❤️

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