Soft launch @ 29 May 2020 via Zoom. Circuit Breaker did not deter us from conducting SSDB, instead it has given us opportunity to inculcate in children we can still contribute to the society even in the midst of Covid-19. During the soft launch, we asked the children to do a poster of how to protect themselves from Covid-19. Some children drew masks, pictures of washing hands and social distancing and they also did a write up on the poster. They did a Show n Tell of their poster during the soft launch. Our Centre Principal, Ms Jane shared with the parents and children that we will be sending these posters to the elderly to St. Luke Elder Care, followed by the rations donated by the parents. We will also be filming a video on children washing hands the right way and sent to the the elderly in St. Luke Elder Care to share with them how to wash their hands in the proper way. This is our way to show the elderly how to protect themselves from Covid-19. Not forgetting the health care workers working so hard in the frontline, our children will be doing up a “Thank You” Poster to send to them to show them our heart-felt gratitude. Our Director, Mr Moses grace through the occasion. We end the event singing “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson. It was indeed a memorable and touching moments for us all.