As our centre collaborated with Singapore Kindness Movement, we celebrated Singapore Kindness Movement Day. The celebration was fun and the children shared how they can show kindness in their own little ways.
The celebration started with a warm-up, the children participated in a yoga session. Yoga helped the children practice their balance and body coordination. Yoga also improves the children’s mental well-being.
The children had their chance to participate in the puppet show. The puppet show encourages the children to think of stories that shows kindness with the of SG Kindness Kindsville puppets.
The children shared to their peers how they demonstrate kindness and how they help their parents at home through our “Kindness Show and Tell”. Through this activity, the children developed their confidence.
The teachers explained more information about Singapore Kindness Movement. The children also experience a virtual tour to Kindsville and learn about Singa and his friends.
The celebration ended by letting the children dance and sing to SG kindness song “Kindness is Up To Us”