Caroline Anthony

Artemis PreSkool @ Woodleigh

Caroline Anthony
25 Jun 2024

Showing Love and Care to our Elderly Community at AAC Orange Valley

This year, we are partnering with Orange Valley for our SSDB project. Our goal is to teach children the importance of respecting and caring for the elderly and show love and care through small gestures and actions.

During the introduction, the teacher narrated a story emphasizing care and kindness towards the elderly. The children were excited to talk about their own experiences, mentioning that they live with their grandparents. Many shared their personal stories about bonding with their grandparents. The K2s role played and re-enactee social situations in which theg can do small things to assist the elderly around us - such as offering them a seat on the train or bus and helping them to cross the road.

We also had our first visit to Orange Valley with the N2 to K2 students. During the visit, the children engaged in meaningful interaction with the elderly, played games, and enjoyed a joyful exercise session, accompanied by their teachers and principal.

Through these activities, the children learned how to show kindness, compassion, care, and politeness to the elderly. They are looking forward to more fun activities coming up and plan to visit Orange Valley again to continue sharing and having fun with the residents.

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