On the 16th of July, a continuation on Jobs of High Risk and the People, as a class we focused on Foreign Workers in Singapore and how we can show appreciation to them. Videos on the recent outbreak were shown to the class, and how it greatly affected our foreign workers, especially for those who are staying in dorms. It was a diary of a foreign worker’s life when he found out he got Covid-19. And as such we witnessed the procedures he went through as soon as he had the virus. He shared his feelings, his fears and the limitations of their lifestyle as soon as their dorms became a big Covid-19 cluster. From this video, the children voiced out their opinions and what they felt. They were grateful and has shown it with words of empathy and even requested to do something for our foreign workers. Some even shared their experiences whenever they see our contractors hard at work, at a nearby construction site, they will wave and give their biggest smiles. And from then on, we proceeded to create crafts together in groups. This craft consist of words of thankfulness and gratitude, a little artwork handmade by them. They were proud of the craft outcome, and is excited to give it to the nearby construction/foreign workers.