It has been an exciting time for our K1 and K2 children as they embarked in their first SSDB project. It was a project on appreciating cleaners in our estates. We launched the party on 26 April 2019 to share the details with the parents. During the process, children discussed with the teachers on the role of the cleaners to develop empathy and respect for them. Activities such as storytelling, role-play and board games were introduced to educate children in respecting their environment too. Opportunities were also provided for children to get in touch with the cleaners by interviewing them to find out more about their job scope. Furthermore, children also experienced cleaning and washing the void deck near the school which was their area for outdoor activities. Lastly, children showed their appreciation by making ‘Thank You’ cards and baked cookies for the cleaners. This project has really gained an insight for the children and hopefully they will continue to show empathy and respect for all the cleaners!
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