Caroline Tan

Brighton Montessori @ Kovan

Caroline Tan
18 Jun

Sharing Love With Old Folks At Bright Hill Evergreen Home On Parents' Day

This is the 2nd year we are working with Bright Hill Evergreen Home.

We wanted to raise funds and gather donations on groceries and necessities from parents for the old folks.

As we hope to teach our children on the value of sharing and love, we gathered our Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten 2 children to make cards and flowers as part of the activity in raising funds.

The Kindergarten 2 children were involved in giving the price value for the cards and flowers made, and selling them to our parents. 

They were also involved in putting the donations according to different categories such as cans food, beverage and condiment etc.

We would like to thank our parents for their generosity and kindness in buying the cards and flowers that helped us raised a total of $900.00. 

We also managed to gather lots of donations from parents on groceries and necessities for the old folks.

To have a closure to our SSDB project, we brought our children to the home to present the donations and also put up performances to wish them a Happy Parents’ Day.

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