My Talent Childcare Centre Pte Ltd

30 Sep 2022

Share It Forward

My Talent Childcare Centre @ Taman Jurong embarked on our 1st ever Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, titled “Share IT Forward”. We started the project in June and completed it 3 months later in September and truly enjoyed the meaningful learning journey.

This “Share it Forward” project was decided not only it is in line with Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to encourage pre-schoolers to give back to the community but also to bring awareness to the children on the importance of helping and sharing with others especially to those who are in need.

These are some of donated food items are placed outside our premise where the community is free to collect for their family. 

The children from Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 participated actively throughout the 3 months we worked on the project. The kindergarteners were highly excited and motivated; they brainstormed ideas, gave suggestions as well as came up with ways they can share with the community.

The children designed their own flyers after brainstorming with the teacher. 

Each child designed their own flyers with drawings of their interpretation of “Share it Forward” and came up with the list of food or household items that the people in the neighbourhood, parents and even the Centre’s staff can donate.

The children went door to door to drop the flyers and share on the SSDB project with the neighbours .

With the printed flyers, the children went around the neighbourhood, knocking on doors, sharing about the SSDB project they are embarking and soon the donations arrive steadily.

Donation of food items arrived via these angels..

The children sorted the food items and packed them in the SKM and SSDB recycled bags.

The children went around the neighbourhood to give away the donated food items.

The children sorted out the donated items and packed them in SSDB recycled bags before giving away to the community such as the foreign workers, bus drivers, mailman, police officer, clinic assistant and shop vendor.

We would like to thank all parents, our friendly neighbours in the community as well as our staff for their generous contribution and donation of food and household items. With their support, the children’s enthusiasm and our staff dedication, our 1st ever SSDB project, “Share It Forward” is a success! We look forward to the next SSDB project in 2023!

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