The K2’s talked about how the sea gets polluted, by people throwing some trash in it and how it affects the sea life. In this art collage they created they showed how the sea creatures were hugely affected by it. They have talked about the marine life and how we could help to save them. They have talked about the importance of the 3 R’s (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce). They shared how can they recycle things and throwing the trash in their correct places and segregate them. Also how can they reuse other materials like water bottles, they can use it as pots for planting. And, how can they reduce the usage of plastics which is one of the factor in water pollution and how other sea creatures like whales and turtles get killed by it. Instead of consuming plastic bags they will use recyclable bags when they go shopping. The K2’s worked together and used different recyclable materials and art materials to come up with this ART college that shows a Whale asking to be saved! It crated an awareness to children to be mindful of the things that they use and throw.