Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B (CC)

Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin
26 Aug 2018

Save Our World For You and Me!

West Coast Litter Picking

Cleaning up loose trash is one of the best ways to help our community and the environment. On 11 June 2018, our children went to West Coast Park to pick litter. It was an exciting and meaningful experience where the children got to explore the park with their friends while achieving something of value at the same time.

Briefing on safety rules before the activity

Oh no look at all that trash!

Picking up all the litter as a team

Yay good job children!

Recycling Drive

On 12th June, we held our annual recycling drive. It was a way to have our children start recycling at a young age so as to nurture a keen sense of responsibility to take care of the environment. We have been encouraging and teaching them how to recycle in school and this recycling drive was a great opportunity for them to practise and spread awareness of what they have learnt in a community setting.

“Good morning, we are here to collect recyclables”

Collecting recyclables and putting them into the plastic bag

Hooray! We have done our part to save the Earth!

St. John’s Home for Elderly Persons

To inculcate the value of care in our children, we decided to broaden their experiences at St. John’s Home. This inter-generational bonding was beneficial to both the elderly and the children as they got to interact, care and share their skills and stories with one another to create a sense of purpose in their lives. There were also activities to engage the elderly and allow children to develop empathy and learn to help others while doing the craft works.

Prior to the visit, the children made preparations on what to give and perform for the elderly so as to make the experience fun and meaningful. They made a nice frame with a quote and goodie bags for the elderly. Parents also joined in the cause by donating non-perishable food to the elderly. Besides that, the children practised hard and made shakers using recyclables for their performances.

Food hampers and a frame for the elderly

Doing crafts together

Proud of their picture frames!

Special performances by the children

Shakers made out of tissue rolls and yakult bottles

Giving goodie bags and saying goodbyes to the elderly

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