Marife Reyes Pastrana

EB0020 E-Bridge Pre-School (Dawson) 

Marife Reyes Pastrana
7 Sep 2022

Recycle the Waste. Save the Earth!

Our N1 children from E – Bridge Preschool Dawson gladly received the resources for SSDB 2022. With the theme “Our Family, Our Community”, the children were engaged in different conversations about helping others around us. After discussing with the children, we chose to focus on recycling and making recycled crafts. Hence, we came up with our project entitled “Recycle the Waste. Save the Earth!”.

May 2022: Collection of recyclable materials – brainstorming time!

The parents were invited to donate different recyclable materials such as bottles, cardboard boxes, egg cartons, and old clothes.

In class, the children were introduced to the various materials. They had begun exploring the materials and were able to come up with great ideas on what they can create with them. In the coming months, the children will be creating different crafts using the recycled materials.

June - July 2022: Craft making

August 2022: Fundraising Project

The donation and exchange of recycled crafts happened on August 18 and 19. The parents brought the art supplies to be donated to Movement for Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) , who is our beneficiary.

September 2022: Community Partnership with MINDS

我们和MINDS- Lee Kong Chian Gardens School约好将家长们捐赠的物资送过去,同时也有机会和MINDS- Lee Kong Chian Gardens School里面的老师及校长了解学校运作及环境。 MINDS- Lee Kong Chian Gardens School的校长Mr Gerard Teotonio Lima Vaz带领我们参观学校里的环境。同时细心地为我们介绍不同年龄层,MINDS是如何通过不同的方式以帮助学校里的学生衔接未来的社会生活。

我们也通过机会,和Mr Gerard Teotonio Lima Vaz分享了我们学校的理念及资源,并期许未来能够更多的机会一起合作,甚至讨论到可以让两校之间的孩子们有机会进行交流。


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