Ng Hua Zheng (Hailey)

Learning Kidz Child Development Centre LLP@ Serangoon Central

Ng Hua Zheng (Hailey)
3 Sep 2024


 For the next chapter of our “Arts of Diversity” theme, children were introduced to Indian rangoli art. The rangoli is a type of decoration usually drawn on the ground in front of the house. It is usually made during festivals such as Diwali to “enlighten” or to welcome Hindu gods to the household. 

Through videos of rangoli making, children observed that rangolis can be made using flowers or coloured sand. They observed that most designs are in symmetry which they applied as they filled the rangoli template with coloured sand.

Children also observed that peacock is used as the central of some rangoli designs. Peacock is the national bird of India and is a sign of good luck and prosperity. Because of the vibrant colours and the intricate patterns of their feathers, they were ideal to be used in rangoli designs.

Through this activity, the children were fascinated by how each coloured sand they add eventually turned out to be a stunning pattern. They learnt to create symmetrical designs and more about the importance of rangoli in Indian culture.

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