Teacher Chu Yi

Little Footprints Preschool (Punggol 107)

Teacher Chu Yi
13 Jul 2022

Raising Awareness for Our Environment

Introduction to Our Projoect

Children sat together in class to discuss about they know about our world’s environment. They are encouraged to talk about the things and actions that harms our environment.

Questions were raised to the children to facilitate their discussions such as “What can we do to help our environment?” “How does planting plants and trees help?” “Can we plant a tree together?” “What would you like to plant?”

Children came to a mutual agreement that they will plant plants and vegetables for this project as parents will buy a pot of plant/vegetables and bring it home.

Children work in small groups to paint and decorate the pots.

After the paint is dry, children take turns to put soil, seeds and water intot the pot. 

Their work is ready for sale to raise funds!

Parent with her child’s work.  

The parents generously donated to raise fund to raise awareness to our environment !

Our K2 children had fun in the process of making the flower pots!

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