Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B (CC)

Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin
25 Jun

Pet Talk

On 26 April, Mr Adam, an AVS staff, visited our centre to conduct a show and tell about pets to the children. He started with a presentation where he showed pictures and videos of rescued pets by AVS and how to be a good pet owner. The children also got to know why only certain types of animals should be kept as pets. 

After the talk, he introduced his Guinea pig and allowed children to pet it and ask questions about it. The children were so excited to come close with the animal!

 To show our appreciation to Mr Adam, the children made a thank you card beforehand and presented it to Mr Adam. 

Thank you for your time, Mr Adam! The children have definitely learned a lot and we hope that people will continue to care for animals!

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