Siti Aida

Skool4Kidz Campus @ Sengkang Riverside Park

Siti Aida
19 Jul 2024

Pet Ownership Responsibilities Talk by NParks- 24 April 2024

The K1 & K2 were given the chance to gain insight into the responsibilities associated with owning a pet through a presentation by Nparks. The primary aims were to help children comprehend the permissible types of pets in Singapore and the commitments involved in their care. They were taught the importance of thorough research before deciding to adopt a pet and the significance of not abandoning animals when unable to provide care.

Following the presentation, there was a personal interaction session with Jessie and James, the guinea pigs who had been abandoned previously. He shared ways of caring for the pets and types of food they eat.

For post activities, the K1 did a pet craft using recycled materials whereas the K2 did a writing activity to share about their dream pets and how they will care for them.

Overall, children had great time learning about the responsibilities of pet owners.

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