Obusan Mary Rose Ferrer

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bukit Timah Blk 12 (CC)

Obusan Mary Rose Ferrer
26 Jun 2020


PCF Sparkletots Preschool@ Bukit Timah Blk 12(CC), SSDB Project was launched to the K2 children during their Back-To-School week in June 2020. After 2 months of Home-Based Learning due to Circuit Breaker, the children are happy and excited to join their teachers and friends once again. Each of them has stories to tell and prior knowledge about the pandemic that we are experiencing currently. It’s a good start to talk about the silent heroes and bring the children’s attention to quiet acts of kindness that the frontline workers are doing for everyone.

This year’s project is all about art and the main objective is for the children to create artworks using recyclable materials. As a preliminary activity, K2 children have created artworks to show their appreciation to the frontline workers whom they consider as superheroes. Our children have learnt and try to make sense of the world that they are also inspired to do small things with great love. It is highlighted to them that they have the capacity, even if they are still young and small to show small acts of kindness.

To all our frontline superheroes, thank you for all the acts that you have done. You inspire us to do small acts of kindness that have big impact to everyone. Together, let’s fight strong to defeat COVID19!

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