Chong Ka Ling

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Kembangan-Chai Chee Blk 341 (CC)

Chong Ka Ling
18 Aug 2024

PCF Sparkletots Preschool KU326 (DS) “Volunteerism with Care” #2: SSDB 2024 Visit to Geylang East Nursing Home

On 18 July 2024, our K1 children visited Geylang East Nursing Home to engage in various art activities and perform for the elderlies. To start the activities, children and elderlies worked out together to a lively song.

Following this warm-up,they were divided into three groups to participate in the different craft activities.

The first group of children collaborated with the elderlies to create heart- shaped paper mache crafts. The second group engaged in making shape pipe cleaner crafts and the last group did salt painting.

Throughout the activities, the children and the elderlies worked closely together to create the crafts.

Children engaged meaningfully with the elderlies and were able to assist the elderlies when they needed help. Both the elderlies and children had a delightful time.

At the end of the visit, the K1 children performed a few dances for the elderlies. The children showcased their enthusiasm and hard work they had put into their preparations. The elderlies thoroughly enjoyed the performances and the children were pleased to see the joy they brought to the elderlies.

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