Nurul Zarifah Binte Samat

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bukit Batok Blk 180 (KN)

Nurul Zarifah Binte Samat
21 Jun 2023

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bukit Batok Blk 180 - Clean Up Day with Little Carers

N1 Children of PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bukit Batok Blk 180 were being introduced to the value of caring. They learnt that by caring for others and things would bring happiness to everyone around them. One of the activities the children have done through learning to care is to care for their environment. Children understood that they were not supposed to throw rubbish anyhow and had to throw them in a designated rubbish bin. Children went around the park to pick up litter and threw their rubbish away.

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