
MOE Kindergarten @ Wellington

31 Aug 2022

Paying it Forward - The SSDB way!

This year, MOE Kindergarten @ Wellington (MK@WL), embarked on our Start Small Dream Big journey, commemorating the theme ‘Caring for Our Community’. This is part in line with our school’s values, ‘Care and Community.’

At MK@WL, our children look forward to ‘Moral Monday’! It is our centre-driven initiative, where the children are provided with opportunities to raise awareness and develop a better understanding of people and the community at large. As such, the children were inspired to demonstrate care and respect to people with disabilities and embrace differences in individuals!

In-class discussions, watching videos, and brainstorming were just a few of the ways the children shared their views on how they can show care to people with disabilities.

Let’s dive into the activities that the children participated in throughout our project!

Awareness Talk by Down Syndrome Association Singapore

MK@Wellington invited Ms Sulyanna, Volunteer Management and Community Partnership Executive from Down Syndrome Association (DSA) to share more information about Down Syndrome. The children gained valuable insights through Ms Sulyanna’s storytelling of real-life experiences of people with Down Syndrome. During this interactive sharing session, the children had the opportunity to ask questions too.

In addition, the children shared and learnt how they can do their part to include and help people with Down Syndrome.

Befriending Session with People with Down Syndrome

The children were excited to meet our guests from the Down Syndrome Association. We had the opportunity to get to know our guests, Samantha and Sabrina, and interact with them through playing a game, called ‘Charades’. We had lots of fun acting out the different ‘animals’ and guessing the answers!

How can I help?

In hopes of giving back to the community and paying it forward, we decided to create learning resources for our friends. Through the recommendations given by the teachers at the centre, the children created tactile alphabet cards in school and at home with their family using various textured materials such as straws and beads! Thereafter, we collated all the cards and compiled them into alphabet books. Through these alphabet books, our new friends will be able to learn the alphabetical letters through sensory play. All in all, we donated five full sets of alphabet books!

Let’s check out the photos of our new friends using the tactile alphabet cards in class!

It’s a wrap! - Mass Workout!

With all good things, we had to bid farewell to our Start Small Dream Big project. The children and guests from DSA gathered and participated in our mass High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, led by our teacher! It was delightful to see all the children and our guests displaying their energy and enthusiasm when performing the exercises. Subsequently, the children and teachers bid farewell and thanked our guests from the Down Syndrome Association for their time in gracing the event!

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