
Agape Little Uni @ Compassvale

2 Sep 2020

Our SSDB Journey 2020 on Caring for the Environment - One Less

During the Circuit Breaker, Everyone was not allowed to dine in at the eateries, therefore there was a huge number of plastic containers being used in Singapore for take-aways.

Agape Little Uni. @ Compassvale has embarked on our “One Less” journey to play our part in caring for the environment. We would like to advocate on developing responsibility towards the environment and reduce pollution.

We started our journey by implementing the Bring Your Own Lunchbox Campaign to inculcate the practice of bringing their own containers when they take away food and reduce the consumption of plastic. This also instill independence in children as they learned to pack and clean up the containers after use.

We also encouraged the children to use reusable masks and bring recyclable containers as stationery box to reduce wastage.

The school has also selected household products with the Green Label as an initiative to care for the environment.

The children were introduced to 5R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse and Renewable). They were encouraged to recognize the various logos learned how to limit the amount of materials used in school, use items again and collect recyclable items such as newspapers, bottles and cans.

They learned about the importance of recycling items. They were encouraged to bring a recyclable item from home and they learned how to segregate the items and place the items into the appropriate recycling bin. They learned that recycling items can save our environment from pollution.

The children were given a challenge to make simple machine with recycled materials and they made their own flag poles using chopsticks, clothes pegs, and bottle caps. They also drew the Singapore flag as National Day was drawing near.

Home School Partnership

The children were encouraged to find recycled materials at home and create a 3D Craft together with their parents.

They enjoyed sharing about their artwork with their peers. They learned about the importance of recycling such as saving our natural resources and reducing pollution.


Towards the end of the journey, the children created a Simple Chant to emphasise on the ways to caring for the environment through the 5Rs. They also concluded that by reusing recycled materials, It will give products a new leash of life.

The Chant: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It’s very easy to do

I can do it!

So can you!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What can you do?

Separate them

glass and paper

Separate them

plastic and tin

Put them in their places

In the recycling bin!

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