Velasco Jelyn Oliveros

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Punggol Shore Blk 174D (KN)

Velasco Jelyn Oliveros
5 Aug 2021

Our Plants of Hope: ‘Tree of Pledge’

Covid-19 has affected many lives globally. It brings about many challenges in the forms of health, finance, education, relationships and many more. Despite Covid- 19, many of us are still striving to survive and adapt to the changes. Especially in Singapore, we have learnt to perceive Covid-19 as an endemic rather than a pandemic. As a young, resilient country, we have learnt to source for alternatives and keep our hopes high and alive! We believe that we can ride through this storm together as a community. Along the way, we give one another words of encouragement that spark hope in our battle against Covid 19. 

Hence, this year, PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Punggol Shore Blk174D has again dedicated our Start Small, Dream Big project entitled “Our Plants of Hope” towards this noble cause. We would like to instill graciousness in our students by giving continuous support and encouragement to our front-liners for their efforts to keep our country safe. We would also like to contribute to special groups of people within our community who tirelessly demonstrate their courage and perseverance throughout this unprecedented period. It is to give them, a clear signal that they are much appreciated. We will stand by them, steadfast as ONE Singapore!

With that, we launched our ‘Tree of Pledge’ from Nursery 2 to K2 to mark the beginning of our SSDB project. We got our parents to participate in this purposeful Parent-Child activity. Our parents helped their individual child to decorate and write his/her pledge on the leaf template provided. Through this activity, our students have learnt that they can take proactive roles in stamping out COVID -19 virus. Bravo!

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