Embarking our L❤️VE Project
Our children pledged to show their love through actions and through words.
Putting our L❤️VE Project into actions.
They brainstormed ideas and ways to show love to their friends and families. They wrote down the kinds acts they can do in a card and carried them out at home.
Showing our L❤️VE to the elderly who are needy in the community.
At the final part of the project, all the children with the youngest from Playgroup, came together to design their tote bag so they can do their part in raising funds to help the needy elderly.
Each tote bag is uniquely designed.
The tote bags were put in our Facebook for bidding and we are just so glad that with the support of the parents, friends and family. All the tote bags were sold.
And indeed, no one can do everything but everyone can do something!
We are just so glad to be in this part of journey and will be meeting the beneficiaries soon to pass them the vouchers.