Bright Kids School House @ 175D will be embarking on our SSDB project in June 2022. In the spirit of taking small steps for preschoolers to give back to the community and society, we decided on a project closer to home “Our Clean and Green Neighbourhood”. The school is part of the neighbourhood and thus caring and giving back to our neighbours and residents around the neighbouring blocks inculcates the critical values of responsibility to the community and care for others and the environment amongst the children which are critical 21st century skills. Besides learning, investigating and exploring into the different elements of making our neighbourhood clean and green, the children will be involved in the neighbourhood community by cleaning efforts around the neighbourhood, gardening in the resident garden, creating awareness on a clean and green neighbourhood amongst the residents through flyers and posters and an art display on “Our Clean and Green Neighbourhood”. Look out for posts and updates from the teachers of Bright Kids @ 175D on our activities as our project progresses!