MFS BC2 Teacher

My First Skool @ Block 503 Bedok North

MFS BC2 Teacher
9 Sep 2022

Nursery B Thank you cards for my family

Family plays a huge role in children’s development and understanding of love. As such, the children engaged in discussion about what are some nice things that their family members do for them daily. Children were able to recognise that their parents take care of them everyday such as feeding them, dressing them, showering them. And occasionally, spend on them by buying them their favorite treats or toys. Grandparents bring them to nice places, and siblings to play with them.

Hence, The children created thank you cards to gift to a family member they would like to thank. The children used crayon resist method to show a heart shape and used water colors of their choice to paint their cards. At the end of the day, the children brought home their cards to gift to their family members.

Written by Teacher Si Qi

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