Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B (CC)

Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin
24 Aug 2022

NTUC Nursing Home Virtual Meet

The K1 and K2 children had their virtual meet with the elderlies from NTUC Nursing Home on 15 June 2022. They played a BINGO game with the elderlies as well as a stop-dance game. The K1 and K2’s then presented a dance number which the elderlies moved along with while shaking the shakers given to them. As presents, the children painted the Singa statue and collected food donations from their parents.

Playing the BINGO game with the elderlies.

Performing for the elderlies

Singa statues made by the children as gifts for the elderlies.

The teachers delivered the food donations by parents and Singa statues by children to the nursing home. 

It was indeed a meaningful experience for everyone. We hope that our children will continue to spread kindness towards the people around them.

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