
M.Y World @ Compassvale Ancilla

3 Sep 2022

National Day 2022 with Pacific Activity Centre (Sengkang)

The children celebrated National Day on 10 August with the elderly citizens from Pacific Activity Centre (Sengkang) virtually via Zoom. The purpose of this celebration is to show appreciation toward the elderly in the community. It was the second year collaborating with them. The children and senior citizens started the celebration by singing the National Anthem and reciting the pledge in unison. Then, they did the Dance of the Nation 2022 by GetActive! Singapore. The elderly enjoyed following and dancing to the song, Stronger Together.

Next, the elderly from Pacific Activity Centre performed the song, We Will Rock You while hitting rhythmic sticks to the beats. The children cheered and appreciated the elderly for performing the presentation.

Then, they proceeded to create the Singapore flag using recycled materials. Before this activity, the K2 children did a pre-recorded demonstration for the elderly to follow. Then, with the flag they made, the children and senior citizens waved their flags as they watched dance performances by the N2, K1 and K2 children. 

Towards the end of the celebration, the children did the iconic ‘ Kallang Wave’ for the senior citizens. In return, the elderlies also did the children’s metachronal rhythmic action, which we called ‘Compassvale Ancilla Wave’. 

Before we ended the celebration, the children showed their handmade gifts using recycled materials, which were given to the elderly later that week. 

Everyone enjoyed the National Day celebration!

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