Ying Hui Theodora Lim

My First Skool at 2 Punggol Drive

Ying Hui Theodora Lim
28 Jun 2023

MFS at 2 Punggol Drive - Field Trip to Kok Fah Farm!

During the June holidays, we took the opportunity to bring our children to a farm to learn more about modern and sustainable farming in Singapore! Children and parents went on a guided tour to learn about how vegetables are grown locally and witness the growing process from seed to harvest! On top of that, children had several hands-on experiences such as rubbing freshly cut aloe vera on their hands to feel the coolness of the plant, transplanting seedlings into new trays and plant potting their own seeds to grow at home! It was a truly rich and meaningful experience learning about growing our own vegetables and how eating healthy food is good for all of us!

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