Ms Vanessa

MapleBear Preschool Binchang

Ms Vanessa
17 Aug

Maplebear Discovery Land Pte Ltd - Caring for the Elderly in our Community

This year, we decided that the best way to inculcate values of respect, love and care is best when our ideas are put into action. Hence, we announced our plans and intention to launch into the SSDB programme to our parents and children in April 2024.

Our Launch Party took off on the 26th April and was well attended by parents and children.

We started training the children to set their expectations.

Discussing, drawing and penning down their thoughts helped the children to appreciate the programme better.

They started working on game boards to be used to engage the seniors.

At the same time, a donation in kind was started between 6th to 24th May 2024, to gather items requested for “sale” to the seniors at their Minimart in the Nursing Home. It was a huge outpouring of love shown as the items accumulated.

A Trial Run was introduced on 7th June 2024 to prepare the children as to how they could interact with the seniors, guide them in the games and cheer the seniors on. With the help of our wonderful parents, the children practised sharing with the “seniors” how they can play the games and guiding them through.

As the collection of donated items was quite massive, a trip was made to present the items to the Nursing Home on the 25th June 2024.

Finally, with excitement brimming on the 28th June 2024, our children, parent volunteers, and our teachers, we set off to the NTUC (Chai Chee) Nursing Home.  The coach was filled with delightful chatter and smiles throughout the journey! Everyone was raring to give their best!

It was such an awesome time delighting the seniors and it was deeply felt by all the children, parent volunteers and teachers. The high level of energy in the movement segment and the games allowed our children to believe that caring, loving and respecting will be the way to go when communicating with the seniors.

After the event, our children took time to reflect, discuss and document what they have learnt during this journey. We are heartened to know that they have learnt to be more respectful, patient, gentler, to the seniors around them. Most of all, our children expressed their desire to visit the seniors again!

We are looking forward to our next expedition!

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