Mdm Linn Ho

Bedok Methodist Preschool

Mdm Linn Ho
7 Sep 2022

Loving my community! @ Bedok Methodist Preschool

In line with this year’s SSDB theme “Our Family, Our Community”, Bedok Methodist Preschool (BMP) embarked on a collaboration with Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS), a social service agency providing essential care and services for over 700 children and adults with cerebral palsy or multiple disabilities.

We hope that by engaging in this partnership with CPAS, the school will be able to build a more caring and inclusive community together.

Through their Pre-school Education Outreach, CPAS conducted a talk for the children at BMP. Children learnt and are more aware of the disadvantaged people around them and how they could reach out, befriend, and offer assistance.

There will also be a fundraising event whereby the children in Kindergarten 2 will make open terrariums for sale to our parents. The proceeds will be donated to CPAS to support them in the meaningful work to the community.

Talk conducted by CPAS Staff

Children watering the plants which they used to make the open terrarium

Children making their open terrarium

Our beautiful terrariums!

Project led by: Mrs Goh, Mrs Hui and 王老师

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