Nurul Syafiqah Binte Abdul Rahman

MOE Kindergarten @ First Toa Payoh

Nurul Syafiqah Binte Abdul Rahman
20 Aug 2021

Love The Nature: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

“What would happen to the Earth if we do not take care of it?”, “Why is there so much trash in the ocean?” and “Why is there so much trash?” are some of the questions raised by the children. They were involved in discussions and shared ideas on how they can do their part to protect the earth.

The 3Rs, ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ was introduced to the children. They visited the recycling corner in our school where they helped to paint and revamp the area to make it more inviting. They had so much fun working together hand-in-hand to make the recycling corner more attractive.

This motivated the children to bring recycled materials from home such as egg cartons, cardboard toilet rolls, cereal boxes and plastic milk bottles. The children classified the items accordingly by putting them into the respective bins. They also reused the materials such as empty tissue boxes to create HDB flats. The children take pride in their recyclables and remember to contribute items regularly. Through this journey, the children have understood the importance of taking care of the Earth.

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