Roshmi Ghosh

Little Paddington Preschool (Bartley)

Roshmi Ghosh
31 Aug 2023

Little Paddington Preschool Bartley: 'We Care'

Objective of our ‘We Care’ project:

Our children will have the opportunity to innovate, problem solve and tap on their unique strengths to help others and thus demonstrate that ‘We Care.’

In connection with learning about ‘Healthy Eating’, the K1 and K2 children got an understanding of microgreens. Through this project we aimed to sow the seeds of self-reliance and empower our children to become informed consumers of the future.

The K1 and K2 children planted microgreens like Kale, Bok Choy and different types of radish seeds. They learnt the process of sowing the microgreen seeds and how to take care of their potted plants which grew over 2 weeks.  

With daily watering, love and care, the microgreens sseds grew into microgreen plants.

A Farmers’ Market was set up where our children were the ‘farmers’ selling their produce and all parents of the school were invited to the market. The K1 children put up the microgreens for sale and the K2 children prepared Super green sandwiches’ and ‘Apple Salads’ that had microgreens as igredient. Our parents had provided amazing support to the event. 

The proceeds of the Farmers’ Market was donated to St John’s Home for Elderly Persons. Our children visited the Home to put up performances for the elderlies in order to brighten up their morning. Thereafter, they handed over the donation proceeds to the Home. 

Thus our K1 and K2 children demonstrated ‘We Care’!!

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