The topic of SSDB weekly discussion on 3 July 2019 was Marine Pollution, which was conducted in Chinese language. Chan laoshi did a short introduction and divided the children into 4 groups. They were given vanguard sheets and colour pencils per group to draw about what they think marine pollution is. Some children even managed to write sentences beside their drawings such as ‘ The black oil has gone into the ocean’s and they shared about their group work. After which, Chan Laoshi gathered the children and did a demonstration on the pollution of the sea. Litters (e.g plastic cup, plastic forks and spoons) and chemicals ( black paint) were thrown into the clean “sea”. This allows the children to reflect and see the process of how a clean “ocean” became an ocean full of rubbish and toxic chemicals. Lastly, children watched a video about the sea falling “sick” because many rubbish were thrown inside and which the marine animals were affected too. This helps children to realise that polluting the ocean not only makes it dirty, but it also harms the marine life. Some of which are what we consume daily life fishes and prawns.