Dazzie Mae

My First Skool @ Blk 541 Ang Mo Kio

Dazzie Mae
23 Oct 2024

Lil Creative Hands in making toys and games (My First Skool at Blk 541 Ang Mo Kio)

The K1 and K2 children engaged in creative activities where they made toys and games using recyclable materials. This activity involved a range of hands-on skills, such as cutting, pasting, and colouring, allowing the children to engaged in the creative process. By crafting items that are not only fun but also functional, the children experienced firsthand the value of reusing materials and the importance of environmental responsibility. This not only sparked their creativity but also taught them about the benefits of sustainability in a tangible way.

As the children bring their learning about sustainability home, they can share what they’ve learned with their families, inculcating environmental friendly habits beyond the classroom.

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