This year, our centre is partnering with SemEnviro to carry out the Plastic Recycling Project. Our centre was given jumbo bags for the children to collect recyclable plastics from home. To better educate the children of the concepts of recycling, the teacher first did a slide sharing to educate the children which types of plastics that are recyclables, such as plastics with PET, HDPE, LDPE and PP labels. Next, the children were asked to collect recyclable plastics from home (e.g., plastic bottles, shampoo bottles, food containers, straws…etc). Our parents are very supportive in this Plastic Recycling Project. Every week they would collect plastics from home and let their children bring it to school to fill up the jumbo bags. In school, the teacher taught the children how to identify and read the recycling signs on the plastics so that they can sort the plastics according to the same category (e.g., PET, HDPE, LDPE and PP). Towards the end of the activity, the children were required to create posters to bring awareness to the others of the different types of plastics that could be recycled. Through this Plastic Recycling Project, the children have learnt about the importance of recycling plastics.