In this recycling activity, we brought the K1 children out to look for recycle bins around our neighbourhood. The children could easily spot the blue and yellow recycle bins around our school. The following photos illustrated that the teacher was introducing the blue recycle bin to the children. Through this activity, the children learnt that only paper, metal, plastic and glass are recyclables. They also learnt that no food and liquids are allowed in the recycle bin. During the activity, the children were each given a recyclable material for them to experience throwing it into the recycle bin. The children were required to name which category of recyclable material their item belongs to (e.g., paper, metal, plastic and glass). Beside learning about the blue recycle bin, the teacher also took the opportunity to introduce the yellow recycle bin to the children. The children learnt that there are 9 different types of recyclable materials that could be recycled in this yellow recycle bin, for instance clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, hats & caps, belts, soft toys, pillows and curtains.