Initiated by 2023 World Environment Day’s slogan “Solution to Plastic Pollution”, K2 children from MY World @St.George’s came up with many ideas to Reduce-Reuse-Recycle items made of plastic .
We agreed on the idea of “Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB)” when going shopping as one strategy to reduce plastic usage in our daily life.
Inspired by well-known artists like Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Wasilly Kandinsky, Romero Britto, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, the children created one-of-the-kind tote bags.
Lastly, we appealed to our parents’ generosity by donating some amount of money to purchase the children’s artwork.
We managed to raise over $140 and it was channeled to MY Manna, the Metropolitan YMCA outreach program to assist friends in need in Singapore.
Through this project , K2 children learned to make a difference by finding a way to reduce plastic waste as well as helping people in need in the community.