

24 Jul 2023

Less Plastic, More Lives

“Less Plastic, More Lives”! That’s the theme of our SSDB Project this year. Our children at M.Y World @ Bukit Panjang are embarking on this project by participating in SembEnviro Plastic Recycling League. We aim to promote plastic recycling by raising awareness of plastic pollution that is causing great harm to people and the environment alike.

We have incorporated this project into our Inquiry-Based Approach to learning, in line with the M.Y World Framework. Our children created the Recycling Corner, where plastic items were separated according to their plastic identification codes. They drew posters to reflect the effects of plastic pollution and pamphlets for distribution to families, friends, and neighbours to encourage plastic recycling.

When the recycling corner was completed, not only were our children excited about plastic recycling, but their parents and grandparents had also shown their tremendous support by contributing their recyclable plastics.

Our children are having lots of fun as they embark on this journey of plastic recycling, and we hope to inculcate in them the values of caring for the environment and being responsible citizens. Moving forward, our children will be engaging in more activities to raise awareness of reducing and recycling plastic.

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