Johnny Goh

Sunflower Preschool @ AMK Pte Ltd

Johnny Goh
13 Sep 2024

Leafy Discoveries at Gardens by the Bay and Sprouting Fun and Sustainable Eating

In July, we have planned a family involvement activity for our K2 and K1 children. They went on a fun and educational outing to Gardens by The Bay with their families to search for plants with unique and unusual leaves. The children had a blast identifying these fascinating plants and then took time to draw the leaves they found. This activity not only sparked their creativity but also enhanced their observation skills and appreciation for the beauty of nature. What a wonderful way to combine learning and family fun!

Meanwhile our N2 families took part in a green and nutritious activity by growing mung bean sprouts at home. This engaging project taught the children about the benefits of growing their own food and its positive impact on the environment. After nurturing their sprouts, some families came together to enjoy a delicious meal made with their home-grown produce. It was a rewarding experience that highlighted the joys of sustainable living and provided a tasty way to bond over healthy eating.

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