Our theme for this year SSDB project is ‘Caring for family, friends and the community’. Our centre’s main objective is to instill kindness and compassion in children. We hope the activities planned for the children will encourage them to show care and appreciation to others.
Teachers shared with children more details regarding Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project when they returned to school after the Circuit Breaker period. The children watched SSDB video to have a better understanding of the different characters and they were also introduced to the slogan, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”
The children were asked to share their understanding of the word kindness; “What kindness means to you?” and “How do you show kindness to others?”
Teachers shared different acts of kindness with the children through letting them watch ‘Be a Superhero’ video and reading the book, ‘Caring for others’.
The children then said the Kindness pledge together with their teachers.
Teachers set up an area in the classroom called, ‘Kindness Zone’. A board displaying the ‘5 magic words’ and different acts of kindness photos were displayed on the board.
Caring for Friends
Each class was given a Kindness Calendar. Teachers were asked to use the calendar and explain one kind act that children can do in the classroom per day. The children were encouraged to perform the act in the classroom at any time of the day.
We also used the resources given by Kindness SG to make learning about kindness even more fun.
(1) Listening to the story, ‘Cubbies at the Park’
(2) Playing day and night cubbies board game
(3) Solving quiet hours jigsaw puzzle
(4) Colour with water kindness activity (painting activity)
Caring for Family
Parents were encouraged to do ‘Family Kindness jar’ with their children at home. They were asked to decorate any jar that can be found at home and take turns coming up with random acts of kindness that they would like to complete as a family.
Caring for the Community
K2 children did terrarium with the elderlies at St.Andrews via Zoom. The elderlies were each given a set of terrarium making kit which consist of a packet of soil, gravels, coloured stones, decorative items and a pot of plant prior to the Zoom session.
We started off the programme with self-introduction. The children took turns to introduce themselves to the elderlies. Followed by, performing for the elderlies. They danced and sing-along to the folk song, ‘Singapura, Sunny Island’. The elderlies were encouraged to clap along and follow the hand movements demonstrated by the children in the performance.
The children then did the terrarium. The children explained the steps of making the terrarium one at a time. The elderlies were observed following the step-by-step instructions given by the children. Both children and elderlies had a great time participating in the terrarium-making activity.
Nursery children also showed their appreciation to the community workers in the neighbourhood by giving them a jar of terrarium that they did in the classroom and a thank you note.
We have learned so much from this whole journey of Start Small Dream Big. We believe that everyone can do their part in caring for one another.
No one can do everything but everyone can do something 😊