Marlizza Aziz

My First Skool @ Tampines 5

Marlizza Aziz
7 Aug 2024

Introducing "Wild Wonders: Exploring Endangered Animals and Marine Marvels

Our K1 children are deeply engaged in the “Wild Wonders” project! They are participating in various exciting activities designed to foster awareness and empathy towards wildlife and marine life:

Live Session with NParks: Children watched a live session with NParks where they learned about endangered animals and their habitats. The session sparked curiosity and a deeper understanding of the importance of conservation efforts.

Reading Books on Animal Awareness: During storytime, children are reading books focused on animal awareness. These stories help them understand the challenges faced by endangered species and the significance of protecting our natural world.

Creating a Marine Life Dramatic Corner: In the classroom, children have collaborated to create a marine life dramatic corner. Using creative props and sustainable materials, they have brought the wonders of the ocean to life, encouraging imaginative play and a connection to marine conservation.

These activities are just the beginning of our exciting journey into the world of wildlife and marine marvels! Stay tuned for more updates and photos as our project progresses.

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