
EB0001 E-Bridge Pre-School (Rivervale Drive)

9 Sep 2024

I wonder if the ocean animals have pattern on their body?

To begin with the SSDB projects the children were introduced to the marine animals and their characteristics. They were given the opportunity to identify the patterns in the marine life such as the pattern on the ocean animal’s body. The children learned that some of the ocean animals’ body has lines and patterns.

In the small group exploration, they matched the animal’s pattern with the animal’s body. Subsequently, they trace the ocean animals body outline by using the stencil and explored creating lines patterns by drawing the lines on the animals outline using colour marker. The children enthusiastically created intricate line patterns on the animal bodies, for instance: Yoon Na traced the shark outline and added the zig zag lines, curve lines on the shark body to create the shark pattern. Through this learning experience, the children capabilities in recognizing and creating patterns in marine life fosters children’s observational skills and creativity.

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