As part of the SSDB, the children were exposed to the current news from Channel News Asia, titled: Oil spill: After 2 kingfishers die, race against time to clean beaches for nesting turtles. The children were given questions: What will happen to the marine animals if there is oil in the water? Do you think the marine animals can swim on the water? Do you think the fish can breathe on the water? Kyler and Kayden said: “The fish will die as they cannot breathe”. Next, the children continued the discussion about “How do we solve the problem if the oil spilled on the water?” Some of the children shared that they would like to use the spoon and scoop it. Some of the children shared that they would like to wipe the oil with the tissue. Some of the children suggested to put the soap on the water. Therefore, in the small group discussion, each group tried different methods to clean the oil in the water. After exploring the different strategies to clean the oil in the water, they have decided that the easiest way to clean the water is by putting soap in the water. The children learned that soap can clean the oil. Through this learning experience, the children learned to be responsible with the nature.