Mrs Yeo

Zion Bishan Kindergarten

Mrs Yeo
9 Aug 2017

Harvesting of The Hydroponic Vegetables

It was the moment that the K1 children had been waiting for. It was exactly 21 days after the planting of the hydroponic spinach. 26 July 2017, Wednesday saw the collaboration of the K1 children, together with the parent volunteers and the residents of the Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled. The parent volunteers helped to harvest the spinach while the residents of the Bishan Home weighed them and the children helped to pack them into bags. What a sight to behold! Everyone working hand in hand for a good cause! The children had first-hand experience on lending a helping hand to the community.

After an hour of work, the children were all ready to purchase the spinach. They queued neatly in a line with their money in their hands. They were communicating excitedly about the number of packets of spinach that they would be buying. Math lessons were woven into it! “One packet of spinach for $2!” hollered the teachers. The children counted their coins and notes. They had to tell the teachers about the number of packets that they needed to buy. We love this project as it offers boundless learning opportunities across all learning domains!

The children have just harvested the hydroponic spinach!

The children are queuing up to help pack the spinach !

The children learn how to weigh the spinach.

The children have completed packing the spinach with the residents of Bishan Home!

Spinach for sale!

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